Case study 1
Case study 2

The site was highlighted as having unacceptable variances. Investigation led to the identification of a tank leak.

Problem Areas

  • Back Office PC data and Console data did not match.
  • Back Office PC data incorrect and had not been amended.
  • Sales figures missing from Back Office PC data.
  • Till ZD reads and Pump Console reads did not match.
  • Dip readings either read incorrectly or not taken.
  • Dipsticks damaged and short.
  • Pump tote readers disabled.

On Site Investigation

  • Tank 1 Dipstick short by the equivalent of up to 450lt variance
  • Tank 2 Dipstick short by the equivalent of up to 100lt variance
  • Tank 3 Dipstick short by the equivalent of up to 880lt variance
  • One Pump priced incorrectly, dispensing at £0.644 per litre actual price should have been £0.669, leading to a cash variance
  • No Communications Link between POS and PC giving rise to data input errors

Data Audit

Sales figures missing and incorrect on one day for example

TankBack Office PC DataConsole Data
14442 ltrs1242 ltrs
2375 ltrs1862 ltrs
3867 ltrs2581 ltrs

Dips not taken every day. Also three of the dipsticks were short.


  • Pump maintenance contractor to visit site to replace the missing pump totes, and to instruct the site manager in their use
  • Replacement dipsticks ordered
  • Tank testing for 2 out of the 7 tanks arranged. One tank failed therefore site operator re-lined tank.
  • Site manager shown how to use pump controller report to ensure that all transactions were transferred to POS.
  • Site operator to ensure dips were taken accurately and everyday.